

Weight Loss: Slimming down with Lose Big

Fitness First joins the fight against obesity with its own exercise and nutrition programme

While weight-loss reality shows continue to be popular, many viewers often wonder if they would have the same success in dropping the kilograms and whether they could even try without some degree of safe supervision.

The good news, at least for some Bangkok residents, is that obese people or those unhappy with their health due to weight problems can now try a similar programme safely at some fitness clubs.

Inspired by the "Biggest Loser Asia" reality show, the new Lose Big programme is designed to support and motivate those with weight problems to shed kilos over 13 weeks.

At six branches of Fitness First across Bangkok, eight selected applicants will be provided with 50 hours guidance from two personal trainers. The trainers will advise on nutrition and provide firsthand supervise while also leading group activities, says Fitness First (Thailand) marketing manager, Orawan Kleawpatinon.

The fixed-price course costs less than the normal fees for a personal trainer, Orawan adds. And although the trainers are in charge of a team, they will customise the programme to fit each individual.

Takes committment

Orawan stresses that applicants must be committed to the programme fully, as they are required to attend group exercises at least four times a week for a class duration of a minimum of two hours.

Each branch of the fitness club will manage its schedule to suit the group of Lose Big applicants. While the classes for housewives or freelance workers can be held during the day, the schedule for office workers might be after work.

"We cannot guarantee the same weight-loss result," says Orawan, "as contestants in the show because there are many factors to take into account, as the applicants are not with us around the clock. However, Lose Big is an intensive programme where applicants can join group activities with friends who really understand each other. Determined applicants will make more progress than if they are working out alone."

"'The Biggest Loser' reality show demonstrates well that even the obese can achieve weight loss but it needs determination and there is no short cut."

Those not attending the gym can have fun learning about weight loss and weight control with the "Cut the Fat" game on Facebook.

In the game, everyone starts out weighing 200kg. They choose balanced food and activities to lose weight and achieve a high score.

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